Hope all is well with everyone. Things have been quite amazing here in Paris. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, we're in the middle of French practicum right now. My French is surprisingly actually getting better (especially when I've had a bit to drink) and I'm learning more and more about the city because of the excursions we go on. Last week we went to Belleville, Le Pere Lachaise, Villette, Cite de la Musique, et Montmartre.
Belleville is this area of Paris that is known for its cultural diversity. It's where you can find all the little Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Jewish, etc shops. Architecturally it's a little more modern. But by being modern it loses a significant about of the Parisian charm I love, which made it kind of disappointing. There were a couple of places that still had some remnants of it though:

Le Pere Lachaise is the famous cemetery where Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Chopin, Delacroix, Edith Piaf, and some other famous names are buried. It's slightly creepy but gorgeous with all the trees at the same time. Its HUGE and really confusing to walk through.

We also went to Montmartre. Montmartre is where the movie "Amelie", which I'm sure many of you have seen, takes place. It's where a lot of the artists live and has inspiration written all over it. The apartments and houses are quaint and have "petit jardins" which are quite rare in France. No pictures here! Got too lazy, sorry!
Friday, we went to Villette and Cite de la Musique. Villette is a poorer area of Paris. One of the great things about it, however, is the graffiti that decorates its walls. The graffiti in France is by far the best I've seen in my life. Although, I have heard great things about London's. Either way, it's much more impressive than the graffiti in LA. Cite de la Musique is supposedly this HUGE library of music. I didn't really understand how it worked, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.

I finally met up with my friend Jean-Marc (aka James) here in Paris. It was so great to see him. My cousin, Luc, finally got back into town this week too! It was even greater seeing him. One thing that being in Paris has shown me is how much I absolutely LOVE my family. My cousins are seriously too cool.

The Parisians all get back to Paris this week. I noticed this morning that the bus was already significantly more crowded. The city is coming back to life (which I can definitely vouch for at the moment because there seems to be some singing and guitar playing outside my window at oh um. 1 in the morning). Lea and Scotty are visiting this week to! and Deborah is already here! Stories of raging will come!
Bisous bisous mes amis!
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