Saturday, June 14, 2008


summer is here!
for a week
kind of
not really.

i'll be spending most of my summer here in LA-- living at 438 kelton, interning at fuel, working at anderson, going to session A, and working some summer camps. SO, those of you in irvine, come visit please! and those of you in LA, lets hang out!

so most of you should also know that i work two summer camps during the summer... both of which i have to fundraise tons of money for. so... for those of you that actually read this blog, donate to me please! any donation would be greatly appreciate it. i'm oh so far from my goal!

To donate to unicamp- click here

To donate to kesem- click here

and here's some new music brought to you by me and FuelTV:

Tim Fite: "Big Mistake"
