Monday, June 23, 2008


So if you multiply the title of this post by five you get the age that i just turned!
yes thats right, i just turned twenty!

its a weird thing turning twenty, weirder than turning any other age as of yet. making that transition between teenager to adult seems to become more real when twenty hits. i know we've been in college for two years, and that alone should count as a symbol of adulthood, but turning twenty really seals the deal. Technically no longer being a "teen", i feel like i can now officially identify with being an "adult".

pretty good birthday weekend. having a june birthday i've gotten use to non extravagant celebrations. most people are at home or on vacation therefore not around to celebrate, so birthdays have never been a huge deal to me. went home for the weekend, hung out with the fam, said goodbye to some friends moving away, and hung out with some old friends that were actually around, and then headed back to LA. Blaise was back, had some friends over for dinner, and got slightly more intoxicated than i had hoped. oh, the life of a college student.

new performances up on the FUEL website. Check it out!

Cut Copy: "Lights and Music"

thats all for now.


1 comment:

slseo said...

omg! when do you leave?!!! soo soon i think...